浏览次数:2526 发布时间:2018-08-22 09:09:00
ZW6-12/630-16(20) Outdoor Hv Vacuum Circuit Breaker
概述 Product Structure
ZW6- 12/630-16(20)型户外高压真空断路器适用于12KV及以下,交流50HZ的三相电力系统。主要用于农网和城网作分.合负荷电流过载电流及短路电流之用,也可用于其它类似场所,还可作为城市市区12KV级电网的分段开关。
ZW6-12/630-16(20) outdoor high vltage vacuum circuit breaker applies to the three phase power system of 12kV or under and 50HZ
AC.it is used mainly at rural and urban power grids, or similar places, for opening and closing of load current, overload current and short circuitcurrent. In addition, it can be used as the section switch of 12KV grid in urban area.
型号及其含义Model description子W8-华G/早一号
额定短路开断电流Rated shor-circuit breaking current (KA)额定电流Rated curent (A)
弹簧操作机构Spring operating mechanism额定电压Rated vltage(kV)设计序号Design serial No.户外Outdoor
真空断路器Vacuum circuit breaker
使用环境条件Ambient condition
1.海拔不超过2000m。 1. Aliude: < 200m;
2.环境温度: -40*C-+40°C. 2. Ambient air temperature: -40*C ~+40*C;
3.相对湿度:月平均不超过90%;日平均相对湿度不大于95%; 3. Relative humidit;: monthly average 90%, daily average 95%;4.地震烈度不超过8度。 4. Earthquake intensity:8 degree;5.环境污秽耐受值: IV级。 5. ollution degree: IV;6.气压不超过700Pa (相当于风速34m/s). 6. Wind speed: 34m/s;
ZW6-12/630-16(20) Outdoor Hv Vacuum Circuit Breaker
概述 Product Structure
ZW6- 12/630-16(20)型户外高压真空断路器适用于12KV及以下,交流50HZ的三相电力系统。主要用于农网和城网作分.合负荷电流过载电流及短路电流之用,也可用于其它类似场所,还可作为城市市区12KV级电网的分段开关。
ZW6-12/630-16(20) outdoor high vltage vacuum circuit breaker applies to the three phase power system of 12kV or under and 50HZ

型号及其含义Model description子W8-华G/早一号
额定短路开断电流Rated shor-circuit breaking current (KA)额定电流Rated curent (A)
弹簧操作机构Spring operating mechanism额定电压Rated vltage(kV)设计序号Design serial No.户外Outdoor
真空断路器Vacuum circuit breaker
使用环境条件Ambient condition
1.海拔不超过2000m。 1. Aliude: < 200m;
2.环境温度: -40*C-+40°C. 2. Ambient air temperature: -40*C ~+40*C;
3.相对湿度:月平均不超过90%;日平均相对湿度不大于95%; 3. Relative humidit;: monthly average 90%, daily average 95%;4.地震烈度不超过8度。 4. Earthquake intensity:8 degree;5.环境污秽耐受值: IV级。 5. ollution degree: IV;6.气压不超过700Pa (相当于风速34m/s). 6. Wind speed: 34m/s;