浏览次数:2000 发布时间:2018-08-22 08:20:06
LW36-126户外高压六氟化硫断路器LW36-126Outdoor High Voltage AC SF6 Circuit Breaker
概述Product Structure
LW36-126/3150-40型自能式交流高压六氟化硫断路器为户外型产品,适用于海报不超过2000米(可设计海拔3000米以上产品) ,环境温度不低于-40C ,污秽等级不高于1V级地区的交流50Hz ,最高电压为126KV的电网中,用以切断额定电流、故障电流或转换线路,实现对电力系统的控制盒保护,也可作为联络电路器使用。
The LW36-126/3150-40 slf-extinction AC circuit breaker which is outdoor typefinds its universal range of applicalions for the elecrical system with elevation notgreater than 2000m(can also be designed to 3000m),ambient temperature not lowerthan-40'C,ditiness grade not higher than IV, aternating current 50Hz and themaximum vllage 126KV. It is used for ctting the raled curent, malfunction currentor switching the circuitry, to control and protect the electrical system, and it can alsobe used for connecting with the circuit breaker.
The gas of the SF6 is employed as the arc-extinguishing medium and the die-lectric material. The elf-extinction technology and new-type spring operating mec-hanism are introduced in the SF6 circuit breaker. Thus the circuit breaker has goodqulities with long electrical ie, low operation power, lower noise, high elabilily,
simple siructure, small and long overhaul periods. It can fully replace the importsame type one.
型号及其含义Model description.L w 36. 126 (W)/T 3150 .40
额定短路开断电流Rated shor-circuit breaking crrent(kA)额定电流Rated current(A)弹簧机构Spring mechanism防污型Diriness resistance额定电压Rated voltage(KV)设计序号Design no.户外式Outdoor typeSF6断路器SF6 breaker
结构特点Characteristic of structure.
1. 断路器采用三相瓷柱式单断口结构,三相配用一-个弹簧操动机构,居中布置,三相连动,故外观新颖精致。断路器以SF6气体作为绝缘和灭弧介质,运行时断路器三极SF6气体连通,并采用指针式密度继电器对其压力和密度金库监控。由于采用自能式灭弧原理,且在断路器运动系统中进行了优化设计,故有效地提高了机械效率,最大限度地降低了操作功;2.开断性能优良,电寿命长;
概述Product Structure
LW36-126/3150-40型自能式交流高压六氟化硫断路器为户外型产品,适用于海报不超过2000米(可设计海拔3000米以上产品) ,环境温度不低于-40C ,污秽等级不高于1V级地区的交流50Hz ,最高电压为126KV的电网中,用以切断额定电流、故障电流或转换线路,实现对电力系统的控制盒保护,也可作为联络电路器使用。
The LW36-126/3150-40 slf-extinction AC circuit breaker which is outdoor typefinds its universal range of applicalions for the elecrical system with elevation notgreater than 2000m(can also be designed to 3000m),ambient temperature not lowerthan-40'C,ditiness grade not higher than IV, aternating current 50Hz and themaximum vllage 126KV. It is used for ctting the raled curent, malfunction currentor switching the circuitry, to control and protect the electrical system, and it can alsobe used for connecting with the circuit breaker.
The gas of the SF6 is employed as the arc-extinguishing medium and the die-lectric material. The elf-extinction technology and new-type spring operating mec-hanism are introduced in the SF6 circuit breaker. Thus the circuit breaker has goodqulities with long electrical ie, low operation power, lower noise, high elabilily,
simple siructure, small and long overhaul periods. It can fully replace the importsame type one.
型号及其含义Model description.L w 36. 126 (W)/T 3150 .40
额定短路开断电流Rated shor-circuit breaking crrent(kA)额定电流Rated current(A)弹簧机构Spring mechanism防污型Diriness resistance额定电压Rated voltage(KV)设计序号Design no.户外式Outdoor typeSF6断路器SF6 breaker
结构特点Characteristic of structure.
1. 断路器采用三相瓷柱式单断口结构,三相配用一-个弹簧操动机构,居中布置,三相连动,故外观新颖精致。断路器以SF6气体作为绝缘和灭弧介质,运行时断路器三极SF6气体连通,并采用指针式密度继电器对其压力和密度金库监控。由于采用自能式灭弧原理,且在断路器运动系统中进行了优化设计,故有效地提高了机械效率,最大限度地降低了操作功;2.开断性能优良,电寿命长;